In the long distant future of tomorrow, a crisis begins to ravage the world. Robots, once serving as assistance to mankind, have gradually fallen victim to a digital-born virus that corrupts their free will and turns them against all living beings on the planet...including their own kind. ROBiT, a now ancient relic of robotics' long past, is rebooted in this digital age as humanity's last hope against an unsurmountable modern army...and the only one capable of saving the world of tomorrow from an ironic extinction.
ROBiT is a fast-paced, 3D action platformer starring the titular character ROBiT; one of the earliest prototypes of robotic life who's unique design & analog systems make them the most suitable savior in this time of crisis. With their extendable grapple arms & fully rotational body, the player will be able to sling the little robot across various levels, defeating enemies with a unique flow and use of ROBiT's surprisingly acrobatic capabilities.
As it currently stands, ROBiT is a passion project within the prototyping stage of development.
ROBiT's unique traits should allow for fast-paced action & mobility that enables the player to experiment with all manner of options to get across levels.
Levels are to be open-ended, with enough room to allow for player experimentation with their movements options, as well as encouraging exploration of alternative routes to get to the goal however the player sees fit.
End goals are relatively straightforward, though in-level goals & collectibles should range from all manner of types, yet all aim to keep the player engaged in the flow state of the game.
Enemies should be designed to work off of the player's experimental mobility; allowing for them to use enemies to their advantage in certain contexts. Boss fights should also work to challenge the player on their skills, as well as serve to encourage the most out of the player's move set.
The narrative is straightforward and easily discernable through the game as it progresses, though leaves enough room for player interpretation on some elements left unexplored by design, as well as provide some nuance to have players consider the subtext underneath the factors that kick off the conflict in the first place.
The project should be easily translatable into multiple languages for a wider audience, as well as build support for Mac, Linux, and potential console ports.
A platformer experiment in which the player can freely pick up and throw objects. Model & animations created using Blender.
A test to create a dynamic combat system using animation blueprints and line trace hit detection. Assets for character provided by Epic Games.
A test of UE5's in-engine rendering with a primitive cake model. Model created using Blender. Textures made using Clip Studio Paint.
Experiment with UE5's projectile system to create a sampler of various projectile weapons.
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